Chamber of Cooperation Brazil Israel of Ribeirão Preto , CCBIRP is a non-profit entity founded on March 31, 2022, which aims to act in a significant way in cooperation and expansion of relations between Brazil and Israel, our mission is based on several activities that result in benefits to increase the exchange
in the Cultural, Scientific, Economic fields
and Social between these two nations,
bringing the State of Israel and Brazil closer.
We promote regular meetings and events
aiming at cooperation with the expansion of knowledge, through relationships between associates, counting on the presentation of future trends and updates of knowledge in general, expanding relationships to consolidate the necessary transformations in the field technical and scientific, cultural, economic, social and commercial encouraging exchanges of information with qualified institutions, companies and individuals, aiming at the best practices to develop networking in an environment dedicated to Cooperation among all.
Our CCBIRP Associate participates in various committees, business missions and events and meetings.
Our CCBIRP Committees composed of outstanding business leaders in various activities and sectors, your participation favors your business, your institution and improves your knowledge, expands benchmarking and the professional relationship.
Health Committee, Security Solutions Committee, Startups Committee, Entrepreneurship and Innovation (SEI), Agribusiness and Logistics Committee, Education and Culture Committee, Tourism Committee and committee of Sustainability and Energy.